When to Call Emergency Plumbing Services

HomeEast Atlantic Plumbing LLC Blog, Wilmington, NCWhen to Call Emergency Plumbing Services

In general, plumbing problems should be addressed as soon as possible, but some issues can wait at least a day or two. For more severe plumbing issues, however, you’ll need to call emergency plumbing services to get the problem addressed that day. Our team at East Atlantic Plumbing LLC has extensive experience in the plumbing industry, and we know how to tell when a problem calls for emergency assistance. In this article, we’ll go over a few examples of when to call for emergency plumbing services.

When to Call Emergency Plumbing Services

  • Leaks – One example of when to call our emergency plumbing team is when any part of your system is leaking. The longer you wait to get a leak repaired, the worse the problem will get—even if the leak itself doesn’t appear to get faster, water will still be seeping into the surrounding material and causing damage. If you notice a leak anywhere in your building, give us a call right away.
  • Stains or Sagging – Sometimes, leaks are not easily visible. To recognize them, you’ll need to watch out for their tell-tale signs—water stains, sagging, and bulging. If any part of your ceiling or walls becomes discolored, you most likely have a leak in that area. Similarly, if your ceiling starts to sag or your walls bulge out, then there’s probably water seeping out of a pipe in that spot. In this situation, call our team as soon as possible to get the emergency plumbing services you need.
  • Sewage Smells – A third situation in which you should call emergency plumbing services is when you smell the odor of sewage in or around your property. This usually indicates a problem with your sewer line. Sewage is a major biohazard, so you need to address this issue right away to make sure no one in your building is exposed to it.

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