Water Heater Installation, Porters Neck, NC

We’re prepared to take on your next water heater installation.

Anytime you turn on hot water from your sink, shower, or bathtub, that water has been heated by your very handy water heater, unless, of course, you’ve got some kind of old and outdated boiler in your basement, but if you do, then it’s time to make the switch and schedule a water heater installation. On the other hand, if you’ve got a water heater that has already exceeded ten years of life, you’re probably going to need a new water heater, too.

Water Heater Installation in Porters Neck, North Carolina

Your water heater works by taking in all the cold water, heating it with a gas burner, and then distributing it through your home or commercial facility. The lifespan of a water heater can average around ten years. This is something to watch out for, especially if you’re experiencing problems like fluctuating water temperatures, shorter amounts of time with hot water, or even leaks around your water heater. You don’t want to suddenly be completely out of hot water, so you should call for a water heater installation right away.

We know that having a water heater is very important, especially for our customers in the Porters Neck, North Carolina area. Our extensive experience and knowledge, along with our impressive amount of high-tech equipment, has prepared us to take on the task of your water heater installation and a number of other plumbing services. Here at East Atlantic Plumbing LLC, our services are sure to leave you satisfied with a positive and professional experience. Contact us for more information today!

Understanding the Lifespan of Your Water Heater

At East Atlantic Plumbing LLC, we offer water heater installation services in Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Wrightsville Beach, Leland, Castle Hayne, Myrtle Grove, Ogden, Kure Beach, Porters Neck, Bayshore, Kings Grant, Northchase, Hampstead, and throughout New Hanover County, Brunswick County, and Pender County, North Carolina.

Call (910) 616-3238
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