How a Plumbing Camera Inspection Works

HomeEast Atlantic Plumbing LLC Blog, Wilmington, NCHow a Plumbing Camera Inspection Works

One of the challenges plumbers deal with is the difficulty of diagnosing plumbing issues. Because much of your plumbing system is inside the walls, it can be hard to find the source of a problem. Over the years, plumbers have developed a variety of techniques to get around this issue, and one of the best tools is the plumbing camera. In this article, our team at East Atlantic Plumbing LLC will provide an overview of how a plumbing camera inspection works so you know what to expect.

How a Plumbing Camera Inspection Works

  • What is a plumbing camera? – A plumbing camera is a tiny camera mounted on the end of a long, flexible cable. During a plumbing camera inspection, plumbers push the camera into a pipe or sewer, letting it snake through the tunnels. The camera sends images back to a monitor, and the plumbers use these images to assess the condition of the pipes and to identify the source of plumbing issues.
  • When are plumbing cameras used? – As we alluded to above, our plumbers use plumbing camera inspections to look inside pipes we can’t easily access, such as pipes inside walls or sewer lines buried underground. Accessing these pipes from the outside would be messy and difficult, so instead we use the camera to examine them from the inside. Plumbing camera inspections are especially useful for checking underground sewers for root intrusions.
  • How long does a plumbing camera inspection take? – How long it takes to complete a plumbing camera inspection depends on the size of the system in question and the number of problems encountered. In general, though, your inspection may take anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple hours.

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