A drain blockage is one of the most common issues that you may experience in your residential or commercial space, but that doesn’t mean that it’s okay to ignore it. Although it might not seem like a big deal, it’s important to clear a drain blockage as soon as possible.
If you’re not sure how to recognize a drain blockage, here are a few telltale signs that you need to contact a plumber soon:
- Slow draining. This is one of the most recognizable signs of a drain blockage. If you’ve noticed that water in your sink, bathtub, or shower takes a long time to go down the drain, be sure to reach out to a plumber right away.
- Foul odors. Blockages in your drain can often be accompanied by the smell of sewage. No one wants to deal with a foul odor in their space, but instead of attempting to remedy the problem on your own, it’s in your best interest to call a professional. They’ll be able to identify if the problem is from a drain blockage or something more serious within your plumbing system.
- Higher water bills. Your water bill will fluctuate depending on how much water you use, of course, but if your water bill has suddenly skyrocketed without a known cause, there’s likely a deep issue that needs to be addressed, such as a drain blockage.
We here at East Atlantic Plumbing LLC are happy to help you with all your plumbing needs. Simply reach out to us today if you’re worried that you have a drain blockage.